Travel to Iran as an Americans

One of the most popular questions that travelers who have never been in Iran have is about the safety of this country as a western traveler, solo traveler and especially as a woman or American. In reply to these questions, to best understand a country, their societies and their people, one must first attempt to acquire an understanding of their culture and we must say that the Iranian people have had an increasingly distinct culture from when they worshiped various deities till now.


Travel to IranTravel to IranTravel to Iran

American Travel in Iran

So you can be sure that travel to Iran will be one of the safest travels that American citizens ever have had. Here in the follow, you can find some American travelers comments who have traveled to Iran and experienced this:

Old India: As an American and female is of no significance. As a guest you will receive respect, as all guests do. Suggest you visit your destination cities rather than \"hitting\" them! Enjoy Iran.

Michael Zhang: The US Government has a lengthy travel warning for Iran. While not advising you to ignore this warning, I do advise that you balance it with direct accounts of Americans who have recently visited the country. These accounts are generally filled with superlatives— the country is beautiful, the history is rich, and the people are eager to demonstrate their almost-sacred commitment to hospitality.\"

Daniel Noll & Audrey Scott: Traveling to Iran as an American citizen may sound complicated and dangerous. It\'s not. We\'re here to dispel the myths and answer the questions piling up in our inbox based on our visit to Iran just a few weeks ago.\"